si·lence [sahy-luh
ns] noun
1. absence of any sound or noise; stillness.
2. the state or fact of being silent; muteness.
3. absence or omission of mention, comment, or expressed concern: the conspicuous silence of our newspapers on local graft.
4. the state of being forgotten; oblivion: in the news again after years of silence.
5. concealment; secrecy.
Today's prompt is beautiful to me: silence. The word itself can prompt many feelings from you, depending on what it means to you, what it represents. A literal silence, the absence of sound; a stillness that surrounds you as you walk through the woods alone.
As you create today, think about what the word means, about what feelings it invokes in you, or about the different types of silences (the break-up silence vs the easy silence, etc) that fill our lives.
(yay for Tynan's first prompt writing? hope I didn't suck too bad << )