Today we’re gonna be playing with a form we adore here at 28 to Create: the echo poem(painting/song/cupcake/etc). The echo poem is a Surrealist technique where one person would write a poem on one side of a piece of paper and another person would respond to the right of it (usually in opposition to the first poem). It could go on and on and on until, say, ten people were all writing a new poem based on the poem before them based on the poem before them.Tynan
Here at 28 to Create we broaden the term a bit and just call them echoes. These are pieces we make (in any form) directly inspired by other’s work (in any form).
Today we’re gonna provide you a poem and a song to choose from for your inspiration.
Music has always been a huge part of my creative process. Believe it or not, my ‘fun’ pieces always have a classical music background, where as my ‘darker’ pieces end up with something a little more modern (the demon painting? I turned on my Jason DeRulo Pandora station and let it go).
Recently, I’ve been listening to Schiller’s Opus, a gorgeous mix of classical/modern music. (Also, my yoga playlist!) For today’s echo piece, I’ve picked on of the tracks from that album to inspire you, but I do also recommend listening to the whole thing! It’s a pretty boss album.
The Poem & The Song
Brittany’s Echo Piece
Tynan’s Echo Piece